
Showing posts from April, 2018


     For this week's topic on social activism, I chose to curate information about Environmentalism. Environmental activism is a broad term for any awareness raised for the benefit of our planet and environment, and everything that entails. Although I am not very socially active on any major topic, I chose to do environmentalism because it's something that's always on my mind, even if I don't voice my opinion about it. For me I think this topic of social activism comes into play heavily with what I study, interior design, and this may be a reason it is always something I'm thinking about. The industry is continuously moving toward a more environmentally aware place, using materials that are sustainable and designing buildings to allow more interaction with nature and eliminate our carbon footprint. This is especially important in design because it's something we encounter and live with every day. Although it's important on a design level, I'd like to cur

Curate Yourself - Adam Stockhausen

      As an aspiring production designer, I look at a lot of different work by production designers to learn and be inspired by. Production design is something that heavily influences a film and easily creates the mood of the scene or the entire production. For this reason, I chose to curate work by Adam Stockhausen, a production designer who has worked for Wes Anderson, among others. Anderson's film are known for their storybook style and beautiful simple designs, something I hope to be able to achieve later on. To me, Stockhausen beautifully brings Anderson's vision for the film to life. So for this curation I want to focus on Stockhausen's work for Wes Anderson. As for most other topics, I think looking at photos of work and watching interviews with the designer is the best way to learn about them and how they design these sets, so I have chosen different photos of scenes and an interview to be able to learn more about Adam Stockhausen.                          

Short Story Questions

When I began reading the text I thought it was I thought it was a real, possibly historical event that this man was writing about. I thought that maybe he had gotten caught by this bearded man and was being interrogated, and because of all this I expected it to be a typical story that I’ve heard before. However as I continued reading I found it humorous and intriguing. Once the poll guy came and sat down I realized this was not a real event and that made it even more interesting as I wanted to see what would happen to him. I think the way he created the scenario and made it reflect how writers feel when they have to sit down and write a new story was smart and witty.  I connected with this story because I love to write and I can connect to the writer in letting your imagination go when trying to come up with a new story. The elements of the story I connected with was the humor and wittiness because it kept me wanting to read the story, as well as the position of the writer be

McLuhan & Media Future

For this assignment I decided to create a page about typography. As designers and artists we use type for everything, even for writing blog posts, but we don't always realize its importance or influence on us. Something we see in big bold letters or cursive type will stick with us more than something written in Times New Roman and to me that's worth looking at more. 

Longform Television Commentary

   For this week's assignment, I watched A Series of Unfortunate Events. Although I was only able to watch four episodes, I watched them all in one night so I think I still was able to feel the effect of binge watching. I've only watched one other long form of television, and that was Stranger Things, but that was over the course of a few weeks. In the Unfortunate Events series, it was interesting because the element of storytelling was more evident than I expected, possibly because I didn't read the books when I was younger as most other people did. The inclusion of a narrator really added to this because he told the audience what was going on through explaining definitions of words which were already known by the audience, and also because he was also a character in the series. I realized this when Count Olaf was trying the wedding cake flavors and his henchman said one flavor was lemony, which was also the name of the narrator. Count responded by telling him to never say

Television Questions / Notes

      Television is a form of entertainment, a way to communicate, and deliver messages. Visual media. A way for people to be caught up; to know what's going on. A way of storytelling, a way that people can express themselves and others can connect to it. TV is shorter than film. There are multiple things to watch but in film there's only one plot. Film has a lot more time and money involved than tv. TV as a media is more regional and based on your location, but films can be watched anywhere. Tv is more cost efficient. The story for TV is long and there's fast paced production.        Long form television can be watched anytime, before it was at a specific time. it keeps you watching to the end. it feels like a long movie or a series of short films, not episodes. especially in netflix where it moves on to the next episode on its own. it has multiple storylines that can be extended for a long time. they leave cliffhangers at the end on purpose to keep you watching. long t