Television Questions / Notes

      Television is a form of entertainment, a way to communicate, and deliver messages. Visual media. A way for people to be caught up; to know what's going on. A way of storytelling, a way that people can express themselves and others can connect to it. TV is shorter than film. There are multiple things to watch but in film there's only one plot. Film has a lot more time and money involved than tv. TV as a media is more regional and based on your location, but films can be watched anywhere. Tv is more cost efficient. The story for TV is long and there's fast paced production.

       Long form television can be watched anytime, before it was at a specific time. it keeps you watching to the end. it feels like a long movie or a series of short films, not episodes. especially in netflix where it moves on to the next episode on its own. it has multiple storylines that can be extended for a long time. they leave cliffhangers at the end on purpose to keep you watching. long term is developed more and artistically involved more. A way for people to connect to it more because it's so long. There's a target group instead of being so open. it can be compared to a series of books. a lack of commercials.

stronger design production and more developed stories that are pushed longer, or can be dragged on. more likely to be watched from netflix, or on their own instead of gathering around the tv to watch a show with the family. more production development because there's more time and money. different camera angles can be used instead of just having cameras around the set. makes the audience expect something specific from the show because they've been watching so long. they can use it to turn it into a movie or vice versa, and it can still look the same. talk shows like snl can be forms of long form tv - it allows more generations to view it.


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