
Showing posts from January, 2018
Prologue          Hello! My name is Stefanie Voinea and I am an interior design student at Ringling College in my first year. One of my favorite past times is to sit down in a cozy spot in my room with some coffee and a good book. I've always loved to read, whether it's been fiction or non-fiction, and almost any kind of genre. I grew up as an only child as my twin sisters were born when I was nine years old, so I had a lot of time by myself where I was either playing outside or reading a book. For me, books were and still are, a whole world just waiting to be unraveled in my imagination. I would have a picture of every detail that was in book, even the implied ones. What a room looked like, what the environment outside was like, and what the people were wearing were all details that I loved to let my imagination run wild with. Even today as a college student, I still love to do the same thing, although I do read more non fiction books now.         As a design student, I